About Us
Ricoh Digital Painting has been launched in October 2018 by welcoming LAC Corporation, a domestic venture company that has been in operation since 1983, to the Ricoh Group. Unlike conventional inkjet technology, the "GELART JET" enables conventional analogue processes to be digitised by using a wide range of viscous fluids to be dispersed over a long distance with high precision.
By providing products using this technology, our aim is to dramatically reduce the burden on workers and environmental impact, and help solving social issues.
We would like to continue to contribute to the realisation of a safe, secure and comfortable society by refining our unique technology and would be grateful for your support in this endeavour.
1983 | Established LAC corporation in Yamazaki-machi, Machida-shi | |
1988 | Launch “Air brush type Vehicle Art Robo” | |
1994 | Moved to Oyama-machi, Machida-shi | |
2003 | Launch “Printer for Gas Cylinder” | |
2008 | Launch “Vehicle Art Robo” | |
2013 | A new president Murai has taken post at LAC Launch “Bottle Printer” Launch “Tire Printer” | |
2014 | Selected as the global niche top 100 in Japan | |
2018 | M&A by Ricoh company. A new CEO Hiramatsu from Ricoh | |
2019 | Change company name to Ricoh Digital Painting Company, Ltd. | |
2021 | Mr. Iwamoto assigned as a new CEO | |
2024 | Mr. Idehara assigned as a new CEO |
Company Profile
LAC Corporation was founded in 1983 and is based in Tokyo, Japan. Since then, we have been proactively doing the business activities not only in Japan but also in the global markets such as Europe, the US, Asian countries, Middle East and so on.
We started with developing electronic and data processing equipment, and our focus was shifted to developing digital printer which is targeted at niche market. We have been successful to develop a variety of very unique digital printers which are based on our advanced technology. For instance, our Vehicle Art Robo enables you to print the body of truck, bus and airplane directly in full color with incredibly cheaper cost than that of other technologies like wrapping film.
We were awarded as a global niche top 100 company of Japan by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan on March 14th, 2014 because we pursue the development of unique products and promote the sales not only to Japanese market but also overseas markets. Besides, JQA (Japan Quality Assurance Organization) has certified we comply with ISO9001 on January 9, 2015.
We are strongly determined to continue to develop innovative printers based on our advanced technology and know-how which were established at our company over the past 35 years. With our high value-added printers, we continue being a company helping the society.
会社名 Company Name | リコーデジタルペインティング株式会社 Ricoh Digital Painting Company, Ltd. |
所在地 Address | 〒194-0212 東京都町田市小山町800-5 800-5 Oyama-machi, Machida-shi, Tokyo, 194-0212 Japan |
電話/Fax Tel/Fax | 042-751-6110/042-751-6226 |
事業内容 Business Area | プリンター、インク/塗料の開発・製造・販売 Development, Production and Sales for Printer System and its Ink/paint |
設立 Established | 1983年7月5日 July 5th, 1983 |
企業理念 Corporate Policy | “Listen and Challenge” 問題点を見つけるために人の話をよく聞き、問題解決のために挑戦する |