Auto Body Printer (Vehicle Art Robo)
Direct digital printing on truck/vehicle bodies contributes to time & cost savings compared to conventional film application
Film Wrapping to Direct Digital Printing
Decoration on truck bodies has generally been carried out by attaching a printed film, but our inkjet technology enables direct printing.
Printed images can also be erased, which reduces related costs, also make regular design changes possible.
We have named this initiative "Design Track (Art on Truck)" and hope contribute to municipal PR, social contribution, regional development and industry-academic collaboration.
For the latest user cases, please look for SNS with #Autobodyprinter
Direct Digital Printing on Corrugated Board
As the machine automatically follows the unevenness of the surface, it can be printed on curved and uneven surfaces and corrugated plates, which require high technology if in case of film application.

High Weather Resistance with Overcoating
An overcoat coating is usually applied at the same time as printing and has a weather resistance of 3 to 5 years under standard conditions.

Both "Printing" and "Painting"
As well as printing, single colour "painting" in white or silver is also available.
Unlike normal colours, the system is configured to spray a larger volume of ink at once, enabling refresh painting with high productivity.
Expansion Possibilities
If the distance from the print head to the surface can be guaranteed, the printing target is not limited to truck bodies. In fact, there are already other applications besides trucks, such as passenger cars, packers, buses, wall surfaces, building materials, shutters, blinds, curtains, paintings, etcetc...

Please feel free to contact us for customisation advice such as smaller size, dedicated single color painting etc.
The video shows one example for printing onto a passenger car body with the smaller system.

印刷方式 Printing Method | オブジェクトへの直接印刷方式 Direct to object printer |
機器寸法 Machine Dimension | NNV-10: W11,900 x H4,560 x D2,200 mm NNV-13: W15,000 x H4,560 x D2,200 mm |
重量 Weight | NNV-10: 1,450 kg NNV-13: 2,000 kg |
印刷可能幅 Printable Width | NNV-10: 10 m NNV-13: 13 m |
印刷可能高さ Printable Height | NNV-10: 670 ~ 3250 mm NNV-13: 670 ~ 3250 mm |
電圧 Electricity | AC100V, 15A |
解像度 Resolution | 105.8 dpi (0.24 mm pitch) 63.5 dpi (0.4 mm pitch) |
印刷速度 Productivity | 8 min/m2 (63.5 dpi) |
インク Ink | CMYK(シアン、マゼンタ、イエロー、ブラック)、白、クリア CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black), White and Clear |
プリントヘッド Inkjet Head | CMYK:GA5110-10、白/クリア:GA5120-10 CMYK: GA5110-10, White & Clear: GA5120-10 |
カラーマネジメントシステム Color Management System | ColorGATE PRODUCTION SERVER |
同梱品 included | プリンター本体、コントローラー、ソフトウェア、パソコン、コンプレッサー Printing System, Controller, Software, Laptop and Compressor |
非同梱品 NOT included | Adobe社Photoshop/Illustratorをご準備下さい Prepare Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator by yourself |
Can the print be erased?
Yes, can be erased by wiping with solvent (acetone). After erase, you can print a new image.
How long does it take to print per truck?
Depending on the image to be printed, approximately one side of a truck body can be printed in 3-4 hours. (Excluding time spent washing the vehicle and preparing the print beforehand).
How much ink is consumed?
It depends largely on the image to be printed, but a general average is 20 ml (each colour) per square metre.
Can we print on objects other than trucks, such as vehicle bodies, walls and shutters?
If the distance from the print head to the surface can be guaranteed, the printing target is not limited to truck bodies. In fact, there are already other applications besides trucks, such as passenger cars, packers, buses, wall surfaces, building materials, shutters, blinds, curtains, paintings, etcetc...
Please feel free to contact us for customisation advice.
Support & Downloads
to be updated.